Advantages and Disadvantages of Satellite Communication

Advantages and Disadvantages of Satellite Communication

Satellite communication has become an integral part of our daily lives. From GPS navigation to satellite television, satellites have had a major impact on how we communicate, navigate, and access information and entertainment. While satellite technology provides many benefits, it also comes with some drawbacks. This article examines the key advantages and disadvantages of using satellites for communication purposes.

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Advantages of Satellite Communication

Wide coverage area

One of the main benefits of satellite communication is its ability to cover a wide geographic area. Unlike terrestrial systems which are limited by mountainous terrain and the curvature of the Earth, satellite signals can be transmitted across continents and oceans. This makes satellites ideal for activities like long-distance communication, broadcasting, and navigation where broad coverage is required. A few strategically placed satellites can provide connectivity to users spread over an entire country or region.

Less investment in infrastructure

Satellite networks require less investment in infrastructure compared to wired networks. Laying thousands of miles of fiber optic cables and setting up numerous cellular towers to cover a wide area can be very expensive. Satellite systems only need a few ground stations to connect to the orbiting satellites, bringing down the cost of deployment significantly. This makes satellite technology cost-effective for low-density areas where laying physical cables may not be economically viable.

Quick and easy setup

Setting up a satellite terminal is fast and simple. A small satellite dish just needs a clear line-of-sight access to the sky. Once aligned, it can immediately connect to the satellite network. This enables rapid deployment of communication capabilities for disaster management and emergency situations. Recently deployed satellite networks can provide instant infrastructure when terrestrial networks are damaged or destroyed by calamities.

Broadcast capabilities

Satellites are ideal for broadcasting signals over large areas. TV channels, radio stations, and satellite internet providers use satellites to broadcast their programming to subscribers spread across countries and continents. Satellites act as huge relay stations in space, able to cover vast distances. This makes them suitable for one-way communication to a large number of recipients.

Difficult to sabotage

Since the satellites are orbiting high above the Earth in space, they are out of reach for most individuals and organizations. This makes the network less prone to physical tampering and sabotage compared to terrestrial infrastructure. Satellite signals cannot be easily jammed or intercepted. Encrypted signals provide extra security and immunity from malicious attacks.

Function in extreme weather

Bad weather conditions like storms and hurricanes can disrupt terrestrial communication networks. Heavy rain, snow, and wind may obstruct or weaken radio signals used for cellular, radio, and television broadcasting. Satellite communication has greater reliability during extreme weather when other systems fail. As long as the satellite terminals have clear access to the sky, the network keeps functioning regardless of the weather.

Disadvantages of Satellite Communication

High latency

The long distances involved in satellite links – with signals having to travel about 50,000 km to geostationary orbit and back – leads to high latency. This delay is typically about half a second, which is tolerable for applications like GPS but can severely degrade other services like video conferencing and online gaming that require real-time responsiveness. Special techniques are used to minimize latency for time-sensitive applications.

Loss of signal due to obstruction

Satellite signals can be easily blocked by obstructions like trees, buildings, mountains, etc. Heavy rain or stormy weather may also degrade or temporarily interrupt the signal. Users have to ensure open access to the sky to maintain reliable connectivity. Indoor usage or usage in dense urban areas with tall buildings may face frequent disconnection issues.

Limited bandwidth

Satellites have limited available bandwidth that must be shared by many users across large geographic footprints. Although modern satellites can reuse assigned frequencies using spot beam antennas, bandwidth remains lower compared to fiber optic networks. This necessitates careful bandwidth management and puts a cap on speed and data transfer capacity.

High power requirements

Communicating with satellites in space over huge distances requires high transmission power and large satellite dishes/antennas. Mobile satellite phones and terminals need bulky batteries to achieve adequate signal strength. Technological advances are lowering power requirements but satellite equipment usually have higher energy needs than terrestrial systems.


The complexity of satellite technology makes it expensive to develop and launch. Sophisticated satellites with precise positioning, stabilizers, solar panels, high-capacity transponders, etc. involves extensive engineering. Achieving reliable communication links through a network of precisely coordinated satellites adds further complications. This makes satellites costlier than terrestrial alternatives.

Orbital limitations

Satellites have a limited life span depending on their fuel reserves and component durability. Most satellites have a design life of 10-15 years. Once past their orbital lifespan, satellites have to be replaced with new ones. There is also a limit to the number of satellites that can be supported in popular orbits. Getting regulatory approval and orbital slots for new satellites is challenging.

Single point of failure

Destroying or disabling a satellite can take out an entire communication network. While terrestrial networks have alternate routes and multiple redundancies, extensive satellite networks depend on complex space segments with few backup options. This makes satellites vulnerable to technical failures, collisions, or even deliberate strikes in times of conflict.

Propagation delay for long distances

For applications like live TV broadcast and phone calls, the signal delay caused due to the large distance to the satellite can be annoying. The delay is barely noticeable when web browsing or checking email. But for real-time applications, the lag caused by the 50,000 km orbital round trip becomes evident. This limits usage for applications where instant response is critical.

Less security

Satellite signals are broadcast over large areas, making them more susceptible to interception by unintended recipients. Uplinks and downlinks to the satellite may use public frequencies that are unprotected. While encryption provides security, some applications have compromises between security and ease-of-access for mass audience. Unauthorized access and signal piracy are risks for satellite networks.

Frequently Asked Questions about Satellite Communication

What are the different types of satellite orbits?

There are three primary types of satellite orbits:

  • Low Earth Orbit (LEO): Altitude of 500-2000 km. Used for navigation, IoT, and satellite internet constellations like SpaceX’s Starlink. Provides low latency but needs large satellite fleets for continuous coverage.
  • Medium Earth Orbit (MEO): Altitude of 2000-35,786 km. Used for navigation (GPS, GLONASS). Above ionosphere interference. Lower latency than GEO.
  • Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit (GEO): Altitude of 35,786 km. Satellites match Earth’s rotation, enabling them to stay over fixed locations. Ideal for broadcast, weather monitoring and intercontinental communication. Highest latency.

What frequency bands are used by satellite networks?

Common satellite frequency bands:

  • L-band: 1-2 GHz used for GPS, weather satellites, mobile applications.
  • S-band: 2-4 GHz used for weather monitoring, satellite radio.
  • C-band: 4-8 GHz used for many communication satellites.
  • Ku-band: 12-18 GHz used for satellite TV, satellite internet.
  • Ka-band: 26.5-40 GHz used for high-throughput satellites.

Higher frequency allows greater bandwidth but suffers more attenuation. A mix of frequency bands are therefore used.

How are signals transmitted to and from satellites?

The satellite network consists of a space segment and a ground segment. The space segment has the orbiting satellites with transponders to receive, amplify and retransmit signals. The ground segment has satellite dishes to transmit the uplink signal to the satellite and receive the downlink from it. Network hubs act as the interface between the satellites and terrestrial networks.

What is the impact of bad weather on satellite communication?

Heavy rain, snow or cloud cover can absorb or scatter satellite signals leading to weakened signal reception. Ku and Ka band frequencies are more susceptible to degradation from rain fade than lower bands like C-band. Satellite internet may slow down or get temporarily disconnected during storms.

How does GPS use satellites for position determination?

GPS satellites continuously transmit precise time and position data. A GPS receiver picks signals from multiple satellites and calculates distance to each satellite based on signal travel time. Trilateration using these distance measurements enables the receiver to determine its latitude, longitude and altitude coordinates.

What are the pros and cons of LEO vs GEO satellites?

LEO benefits are low latency, smaller dishes, and flexible coverage. But drawbacks are limited bandwidth, frequent handoffs between satellites and large constellation size. GEO has unlimited coverage zone, fewer satellites but suffers from higher latency and propagation loss.

What technologies are used to counter the high latency of satellite links?

Methods like TCP acceleration, compression, caching, prefetching, Quality of Service, and application protocol optimization help mitigate network latency. Modern modulation schemes, on-board processing, dynamic resource allocation, and mesh connectivity in LEO and MEO satellites also lower latency.

How are satellite signals secured against interception and jamming?

Encryption provides security by allowing only authorized users to decode the signal. Spread spectrum techniques make jamming more difficult. Direction jamming helps locate the jammer. Satellite antenna sidelobe control avoids leakage outside the coverage area. up links can use higher power or hop between frequencies to resist jamming.

How does bad weather affect satellite signal reception?

  • Heavy rain can absorb Ku/Ka band signals but has lower impact on C/L bands
  • Snow cover on dish can obstruct signal path and freeze components
  • Cloud attenuation due to moisture absorption and scattering of signal
  • High winds can misalign dish away from satellite line-of-sight
  • Lightning can damage sensitive electronic equipment in terminal

Proper dish installation and use of stabilized mounts can mitigate some weather issues. Many satellites have enough link margin to operate normally under light to moderate precipitation.

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