Foreign Object Debris

Foreign Object Debris

As per FAA, FOD refers to any object, whether it is alive or not, that is found in an inappropriate location within an airport and has the potential to cause injury to airport or airline personnel or damage to aircraft. – FAA

The aviation industry incurs costs ranging from $4 billion to $13 billion annually due to FOD, including damage to equipment, flight delays, reduced efficiency, and other expenses. – FOD Control

Preventing FOD is the responsibility of all individuals who use the airport, and specific roles and responsibilities must be assigned to individuals who are properly trained and supervised in order to prevent FOD effectively. – Skybrary

There have been several serious FOD incidents in the past, including the crash of Air France Flight 4590 in 2000, which was caused by a piece of titanium debris on the runway at Charles de Gaulle Airport near Paris. Another incident involved a F/A-18 Hornet during flight testing over the Chesapeake Bay in 1981. – Heritage Concorde, wikiwand

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